
Clarity simplifies healthcare communications with one seamless solution that delivers personalized member materials – anytime, anywhere.

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Healthcare Communication System

Clarity’s healthcare communication system offers complete, efficient document management control, from creation through fulfillment, in any communication channel. We specifically designed our solutions for the healthcare industry, and we give clients tools for complete control over their communications.


Using your data in its existing format, the Clarity Solution creates personalized communications that uniquely showcase the benefits of your plan and enhance sales opportunities. Our secure, well-organized system makes it simple to manage data in a way that makes the most sense for your business.


Clarity's healthcare communication system allows you to compose and manage various methods of communication in an easy-to-use application. Designs can be added, deleted and modified in a matter of seconds with the click of a mouse.



For print delivery, you can choose Clarity's print production and fulfillment services, your in-house printer, or an outside vendor. Or skip the printing and deliver the document electronically. Whether the document is destined for print, online, or mobile presentment, you can be confident it will be perfect on arrival.

Serving the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry continues to experience rapid change through legislation like the Affordable Care Act. Clarity’s products and services are a perfect fit to solve challenges that healthcare organizations face meeting new industry requirements for diverse member communications in a variety of media.

Changes in healthcare legislation, such as Medicaid eligibility criteria and health insurance exchanges, cause a spike in enrollment and create an increased administrative burden on healthcare organizations to keep members informed of their coverage details. By simplifying the process of organizing, customizing and delivering complex communications, Clarity’s healthcare communication system drastically streamlines a health insurance company’s member communication process, while reducing implementation times at minimal investment.

Complete Control with the Clarity Solution

Clarity’s product solutions are web-based and allow for automated membership data file processing, materials creation, materials ordering, printing and fulfillment as well as inventory management. Material can be distributed electronically to the web mobile devices as well as via email. The secure web application is available 24/7.

Robust web-based tools provide complete control over the design, management and tracking of any healthcare materials including production controls and reporting tools.

Key Features Include:

Processing of any data file format and layout, no standardization required.
Multi-level approval workflow process.
Administrative tools to manage users and security groups.
Customization and the ability to change templates/designs within the application, reducing reliance on change request or IT involvement.
Incorporation of any branding, artwork or logos to customize information for groups or members.
Ability to create exportable reports to analyze your distribution or production.
Ability to preview any communication pre and post-production which is crucial for quality review and member services access.
Manipulate production by placing holds on any member or group and even override data to ensure every communication is error-free and to avoid production delays from having to perform manual pulls of packages in production.
Tracking of file processing and order status to know when members have received their materials or if there were errors in the member data exchange. Track packages through the mail with the integration of full-service intelligent mail barcodes.
Ability to search for any available data item within the application, a helpful member service feature to quickly find information.
Ability to send all communications electronically to your member portals to allow for local access and printing.
CASS & NCOA addressing through USPS software.
Ability to override when materials are shipped and how they ship. (i.e. via UPS, FedEx).
A seamless healthcare communication system for organizations to manage materials from implementation to fulfillment.