Managing the Business Impact of COVID-19

These are uncertain and unprecedented times, as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts the health and safety of individuals around the world. The top priority for Clarity is to protect the well-being of our employees and our clients and to ensure our continued ability to serve you with best-in-class technology and support.

To do this, we have made the following changes:

• Instituted our business continuity plan (BCP) and disaster recovery (DR) plan which includes collaboration with all of our partner manufacturing facilities.

• Implemented travel restrictions for our employees and moved to a model of remote working, following the guidance of the World Health Organization and numerous other governmental directives and recommendations.

• Moved all in-person meetings to web conferences or conference calls.

• Canceled or postponed otherwise planned conferences, including our Clarity Client Summit, for the health and safety of attendees.

We have also been working with our production facilities to share information related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and taking actions to minimize the overall impact on personnel, staffing, production, and client experience.

To do this, we have made the following changes:

• Worked closely with all of our partner manufacturing facilities to implement measures to support the well-being of those employees and promote continued operations to meet daily production needs.

At this time, we have no interruption with manufacturing services or with the domestic USPS.

• Implemented work from home when possible, minimized the number of shifts, and how those shifts change to minimize the amount of potential contact between employees.

• Brought in cleaning crews to disinfect horizontal contact surfaces at the conclusion of each shift and implemented health checks with employees as they arrive for work.

• All employees are practicing social distancing to maintain physical separation to a minimum of 6 feet and breaks are staggered to ensure gatherings in break or lunch rooms are less than 10 people.

• Eliminated work related travel and eliminated outside visitors.

If you have any questions regarding these changes and how Clarity is managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business, please reach out to We will continue to update this page with pertinent information or changes as necessary. For more information regarding COVID-19 please click here.